How do I get a list of supported symbols?

Is there a way to search symbois?

(NB: The olny waynI found so far was to run strategy and see where it fails).

At present, the only supported way to get a valid symbol is through the symbol function (as you mentioned). A few points on the universe supported on Blueshift - 1) It maintains a dynamic universe based on top liquid names (based on last quarter trading volumes) 2) Symbols on Blueshift always refer to the latest version - if there is a change in symbol of the company, the old symbol will not be recognized anymore and it will only be accessible through the new symbol. 3) If there are any special characters in the symbol name, replace them with '_' on Blueshift symbol function.

But how do I get this list?

It appears I was not clear above. At present, there is no recommended way to get a the list of supported symbol.