HFT on Ibridgepy?

Hello there:

 I just noticed there is a file on the Ibridgepy/ strategies  directory  called "RUN_ME_HFT.py·  "

Does that mean we can do High frequency trading on ibridgepy ???    I find this very odd, since I think  the brokers that are used together with Ibridgepy ( ibkr, robinhood , td ameritrade)… are no suitable for HFT…  or are they suitable…??  

Not inly that but also, for people who are far away from the exhanges (it takes time for the signal to get from the broker to the exchange) , that time is not very tiny if we are very far away…  

So what is this code used for???  can anyone explain to me??


Hi Ghery,

As per the code in the file, it looks like there is a functionality to invoke the handle_data function a few times in a second. However, to get a complete understanding of the functionality, you can send an email to IBridgePy@gmail.com.

Hope this helps!



ok, thanks