Gap up, gap down code for ibridgepy

Backtesting strategies are not too bad for me but implementing them in IbridgePy is where I am starting to become unstuck. I am using examples to piece code together but I am not sure what I am doing. I probably need some confirmation that what I am doing is correct. Can I get any help for this please?

Thank you.

import pandas as pd

import talib as ta

import numpy as np

def initialize(context):



    context.stop_loss_multiple = 1.5

    context.stop_loss_multiple = 2


    context.stop_loss = np.nan

    context.take_profit = np.nan



def handle_data(context,data):


    if sTime.weekday()<=4:

        if sTime.hour==15 and sTime.minute==28 and context.run_once=True:


        if sTime.hour==15 and sTime.minute==29 and context.run_once=False:

        data=request_historical_data(, '1 day', '30 D')

        prices=data.history(, ['open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'adj close'], 60, '1m')

        prices['ATR'] = talib.ATR(prices['high'], prices['low'],

                              prices['close'], timeperiod=30)

        adj_factor = prices['adj close']/prices['close']

        adj_open = adj_factorprices['open']

        returns = (adj_open-prices['adj close'].shift(1))/prices['adj close']

        std = returns.rolling(90).std()

        long_entry = returns > 0.25

        long_exit = prices['close'][-1] > context.stop_loss or prices['close'][-1] < context.take_profit

        short_entry = returns < 0.25std()

        short_exit = prices['close'][-1] < context.stop_loss or prices['close'][-1] > context.take_profit

        if long_entry and == 0:

            order(, 100)

            context.position = 1

            print('Long Entry')

            context.stop_loss = prices['ATR'][-1]

            context.take_profit = prices['ATR'][-1](1+context.take_profit_multiple)


        elif long_exit and context.position == 1:

            order_target_percent(, 0)

            context.position = 0

            print('Long Exit')

            context.stop_loss = np.nan

            context.take_profit = np.nan


        if short_entry and == 0:

            order(, 100)

            context.position = -1

            print('Short Entry')

            context.stop_loss = prices['ATR'][-1]

            context.take_profit = prices['ATR'][-1]*(1-context.take_profit_multiple)


        elif long_exit and context.position == 1:

            order_target_percent(, 0)

            context.position = 0

            print('Long Exit')

            context.stop_loss = np.nan

            context.take_profit = np.nan



            orderID=order_target(, 0)

            order_status_monitor(orderID, target_status='Filled')


Hi Jessy,

There are some minor errors in the code:

  1. You are using some assignment operators instead of comparison operators in the if statement. For example, context.run_once=True

    2. context.stop_loss_multiple has been set twice

    3. context.security_symbol('AAPL'), this is created incorrectly. If should be = symbol('AAPL')

    4. == 0 , is an instance of security. Hence, not sure about its comparison with 0

    These are some of the errors. I would suggest you add multiple print statements in the code and try to debug the errors in a systematic manner. Also, you can go through the documentation of IBridgePy here to get more idea about the syntax and declarations.

    Hope this helps!