"from data_modules.Keras_CV import create_new_model" does not work

I'm tyring to run the code you have provided in my enviornment, and I'm running into an issue where the folling line doesn't exectue:

from data_modules.Keras_CV import create_new_model

I asked ChatGPT about it, and it says it's a custom module. How do I get access to that custom module?

GPT output:

Custom Modules:

  • data_modules.Keras_CV: This appears to be a custom module and is not part of standard libraries. You need to have this module available in your Python path or the directory from which you're running the script.
Thanks in adavnace...

I figured it out… I had to download the data_modules from the Quantra platform, upload to my Colab enviroment and point to them. Here's the code for anyone whoe runs into the same issue.

import sys

from google.colab import drive


sys.path.append('/content/drive/My Drive/Colab Notebooks/Quantra')

Then you can load the CSV from Google Drive using this:

# Load the data from the file
data_total = pd.read_csv('/content/drive/My Drive/Colab Notebooks/Quantra/data_modules/BAC.csv',
index_col=0, parse_dates=True)

Hello Brian,

It's good to know that you figured it out!

The code and data files used in the course can be downloaded as a zip file from the unit "Python Codes and Data" of the last section. This zip file can be used to run the code files in your local system. 

For the specific issue you were raising, you can find the Python file 'Keras_CV' in the 'data_modules' folder of the zip file.

Happy learning!