Error Message in Generate Price Data exercise (Section 2, Course: Trading Alphas)

Hello, I was wondering why I get the following "Error Messages: Please do not edit the given code", even while my code is correct and provides the correct output? I have even went as far as to copy and paste the Solution, only to have the same error message occur. 

My code is below:

Import numpy library

import numpy as np

Create a random seed for consistent results


Generate 200,000 random numbers and store them in 'returns'

returns = np.random.randn(200000)

Scaling the returns

scaling_factor = 0.01

returns = returns*scaling_factor

Generating price series

price_series = np.cumprod(1+returns)*100


Hello Dylan, thanks for bringing this to our notice, this has been resolved. You will get a proper success message now.

Thank you!