(course related question) : sentiment_class, and sentiment_score no codes provided for them


My question is regarding SENTIMENT ANALYSIS IN NLP. The csv file provided - news_headline_sentiments.csv already has sentiment_class, and sentiment_score.

This is already calculated and given.
I would like to understand how these two columns are calculated. I have fetched some more headlines and I am trying to implement the strategy on them, but I need to calculate sentiment_class, and sentiment_score.

I thought the codes would be given but not. 

Looking forward to your reply

Thanks & Regards

Saurabh Kamal


The sentiment scores are calculated in python using a package called VADER.

External Blog resource: GeeksForGeeks

If you like, you can also check out the VADER package explanation and code in the Section 9-10 of course

Trading Strategies with News and Tweets, an Intermediate part of the Sentiment Analysis in the Trading Learning track

Thanks for your reply. I am checking on that, will get back to you 

Thanks & Regards