let's assume I've used df.read_csv to import a csv file.
the df.head() looks something like this:
Date,"Last","Open","Max","Min","Volume","Delta %"
04.01.2021,"26,65","25,77","27,57","24,32","-","7,75%" |
30.12.2020,"24,73","25,00","25,27","24,42","-","-0,34%" |
29.12.2020,"24,82","23,73","24,89","23,21","-","3,71%" |
28.12.2020,"23,93","25,36","25,42","23,93","-","-5,48%" |
some questions pls:
1) how do I get rid of the " in the heading?
2) how do I convert the Date column in a format like '%Y-%m-%d'. I tried df["Date"].apply(lambda x: x.replace(".", "-")) but with no success
3) finally, how do I get rid of the " from the values beloging to the other columns and convert them into float. I tried this but unsuccessfully: df['Last'].apply(pd.to_numeric())